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• RPT andCHTR flights;

• over-water flights;

• flights inDesignatedRemoteAreas; and

• flights at night proceeding beyond 120nm from the aerodrome of


VFR flightswhich are required to, orwish to, use a SARTIMEmay do soby

providingATSwith the following details:

• callsign;

• aircraft type;

• departure point;

• route tobe flown;

• destination;

• POB; and


Note: OnlyoneSARTIMEmaybecurrent at any time. Toprevent theexistence

ofmultipleSARTIMEs for aircraft usedbymore thanonepilot, SARTIMES

shouldbenominated immediatelybefore thestart of eachflight.

VFR flightsmay operate on reporting schedules in the following


• mercy flights;

• flood, fire or famine relief flights;

• overwater flights;

• search and rescue flights; and

• military flights.

When the pilot of a flightwishes to indicate a variation of SAR requirements,

thismust be indicated in Item 8 - Flight Rules, amplified in Item15 (Route) by

the position atwhich the changewill occur, followedby thenew flight Rules.

Submissionof flight details at least 30minutes beforeETD is


Wherenotification of flight details, or changes todetails, are submitted less

than 30minutes beforeETD, delayswill be encounteredwhen anATCunit

requires that the data be programmed into the computerisedSSRCode/Call–

signManagement System.

2 – br i e f i ng and not i f i cat i on

notification general