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meteorological advices

2 – me t eorology


AIRMET information concerns theoccurrenceor expected occurrence

affecting the levels at or below 18500 ft in an area overwhichmeteorological

watch is beingmaintained, of one ormore of the following phenomena:

• isolated and occasional thunderstorms;

• moderate icing exceptwhen associatedwith convective cloud;

• moderate turbulence, exceptwhen this is expected tooccur in an area,

or at a time, where orwhen it is a normal seasonal feature, or if it is

associatedwith convective cloud;

• extensive areas of visibility of less than8 km, or of cloud coverage of BKN

or OVCbelow 1500 ft above ground level;

• winds of 40 kt ormorewithin 2000 ft above ground level;

AIRMET information, which concerns phenomena of a lesser degree of

severity thanSIGMET information, is given to aircraft operating at or below

10 000 ft.

AIRMET Information is issued byMET forecasters and addressedbyATS as a

HazardAlert to aircraft operating on routes or in areas likely tobe affected. It

will indicate the locality or area inwhich thephenomena exist or areexpected

to exist.

AIRMET informationwill not be issued on phenomenawhich are included in

a current area forecast. Pilots in commandwhoencounter any of the above

phenomena, which have not been notifiedby a forecast or anAIRMET advice,

should report the details by SHORTAIREP.

Note: AIRMET information is additional toSIGMET informationwhich is

issued to all aircraft types.