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meteorological reports

2 – me t eorology

Themeteorological information provided by air traffic controllersmay be

obtained by observationof thewhole horizonor only the area thatwill contain

the probable flight path of an aircraft. Reports basedonAWSdatawill be

limited towind direction and velocity, QNH and temperature, exceptwhen a

qualified observer at the aerodrome provides visually observed information.


‘ApprovedObservers’ areofficersof theBoM, air traffic controllers, andother

personson theground approved for thepurposeby theBoM and/or CASA.

For thepurposeof observing visibility for take-off and landing at an aerodrome,

thepilot in command shall bedeemed an approvedobserver for that flight.


The location of the observing point for the aerodromeweather reports is

such that themeteorological conditions observedwithin visual range, or

interpreted from instruments at that point, are representativeof conditions at

the aerodrome.


The pilot in commandof an aircraft is required to observe and report en route

meteorological conditions as prescribed inAIPGEN3.5. For this purpose, he/

she is deemed an approved observer.

In addition to requirements for special AIREP reports concerningMET

conditions likely to affect the safety of other aircraft, pilots in areas

where groundmeteorological reports are scanty are encouraged to report

observations ofMET conditionswhich they considerwill assist in the

provisionofmeteorological services.