2 – f l i ght s over wat er
An aircraft shall not flyoverwater at adistance from landgreater than the
distance fromwhich the aircraft could reach land if theengine, or, in the caseof
amulti-engined aircraft, the critical engine (being theengine thenon-operation
ofwhichwhen theother engines are inoperationgives thehighestminimum
speed atwhich the aircraft canbe controlled)were inoperative, except:
• in accordancewith directions issued byCASA; or
• in the course of departing from or landing at an aerodrome in accordance
with a normal navigational procedure for departing fromor landing at that
Aircraft engaged inPVT, AWK or CHTR operations, andwhich are normally
prohibitedbyCAR 258 from over-water flights becauseof their inability
to reach land in the event of engine failure,may fly overwater subject to
compliancewith the following conditions. These conditions are additional to
the requirements for flight over land (AIPENR1.1).
There is no limitation for PVT, AWKor freight-onlyCHTRoperations.
Each occupant of the aircraftmustwear a life jacket during the flight over
water unless exempted from doing so under the terms of CAO20.11.
Ameteorological forecastmust be obtained.
VFR flights are required to submit a SARTIME flight notification toATSor
leave a Flight Notewith a responsible person.
• VFRflightsmay choose tooperateon reporting schedules for theover–
water stagesof aflight. Schedulesmaybe arrangedbefore commencing
theover–water stage and terminateon completionof the crossing.
• VFR aircraft not equippedwith radiowhichwill enable continuous
communication, or not radio equipped,must carry a survival beacon as
prescribed inCAO 20.11, for the over-water stages of the flight.
fl ights over water