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The variation groups TEMPO and INTER areused to indicate significant

variations of a temporary or intermittent nature. The change groups FM and

BECMG are used to specify changes that aremore lasting in nature. The

indicators are the beginning of a self-contained forecast.

When reduced visibility due to fog,mist, dust, smokeor sand is forecast, but

the probability is assessed at between 30% and 40%, the terms PROB30 or

PROB40 are used. The termmay also be addedbefore a TEMPOor INTER

statement to express probability assessments of thunderstorms. If greater

than, or equal to, 50%probability is forecast, reference ismade to the

phenomena in the forecast itself and not by the addition of the statements

PROB30 or PROB40.

The termsNSW (nil significantweather), SKC andNSCmay be included

following FM or BECMG to indicate significant improvements expected.

If a TAF or TTF includes a forecast of turbulence, its commencementwill

be indicated by the abbreviation FM, and its cessationwithin the forecast

coveragewill be indicated by the abbreviation TILL. Start and finish times are

given in the format ddhhmm (day ofmonth, hour,minute).


Aerodromeweather reports contain both air temperature anddewpoint in

whole degrees celsius.

Up to four forecast values of air temperature aregiven in TAF, for the times

HH, HH+3 hours, HH+6hours andHH+9 hours, whereHH is the time

of commencement of theTAF validity period. These forecasts arepoint

forecasts for these times but are valid for:

• in the case of the first value, ninetyminutes after the timepoint HH; and,

• for subsequent values, ninetyminutes each sideof the time point.

The temperature forecasts are prefixed by the letter T. Negative values are

indicatedby the letterM before the numeral.


QNH is given inwhole hectopascals using four figures.

In aerodromeweather reports, QNH is prefixedby the letter Q (e.g. Q0999).

Observed intermediate values are rounded down (e.g. 1001.9 is reported as


Up to four forecast values of QNH are given inTAF, for the timesHH,

HH+3 hours, HH+6hours and HH+9 hours, whereHH is the time of

2 – me t eorology

aerodrome forecasts and reports