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sensor if the report is fully automated (inwhich case the abbreviationAUTO

is also included in themessage).When the data has beenobtained fromonly

one sensor, the datawill be followed byNDV to indicate that no directional

variation can be reported (manual observations of visibilitywill include, when

certain criteria aremet, a directional variation in addition to the prevailing


Note: Pilots should exercise cautionwhen interpreting automated visibility

information as itmay not be equivalent to a humanobservation


• the information is reported as a tenminute average; and

• as it is sourced from a single instrument sampling only a very small parcel

of the atmosphere, itmay not be representative of theentire airport.

Fully automatedAWSmay issue special reports (SPECI) for visibility using

data from visibility sensors.

RunwayVisual Range (RVR)

RVR at the runway’s touchdown zonemay be reported inSPECImessages

from aerodromeswithRVR instrumentation. Itwill be reported in the format

RDD/VVVVi or RDD/VVVVVVVVVi whereR andV arefixed indicators, DD

gives the runway number, VVVV gives theRVR value and i gives the tendency

(either U, D or N for up, down or nil).WhenRDD/VVVV is reported, VVVV

is the 10-minute average. RDD/VVVVVVVVV is reportedwhen theRVRhas

varied significantly during the averaging period. The groupgives the one-

minutemeanminimum value followedby V followedby theone-minutemean

maximum value during the averaging period.


PresentWeather is given using the codes listedon page 125.

Ifmore thanone form of precipitation is observed, the appropriate letter

abbreviations shall be combined in a single groupwith the first being the

dominant type of precipitation. In such a group, the intensity shall refer to the

total precipitation.

Up to three groupsmay be given.

The intensity of precipitation, blowing dust, sand or snow, dust storm and

sand stormwill be indicated by the prefix (-) for light, (+) for heavy, andno

prefix formoderate.

aerodrome forecasts and reports

2 – me t eorology