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AutomaticCloud Information

A report from anAWSwith a cloud sensorwill include data from this sensor

if the report is fully automated (inwhich case the abbreviationAUTO is

also included in themessage). The datawill be in the same form asmanual

reports except that:

• NCDwill be reported if no cloud is detected; and

• therewill beno indication of cumulonimbus or towering cumulus.

Note: Pilots should exercise cautionwhen interpreting automated cloud

information as itmay not be equivalent to a humanobservation


• The information is reported as a 30minute averagewithdoubleweighting

given to the last 10minutes; and

• As it is sourced from a single ceilometer samplingonly the sky directly

overhead, itmay not be representative of the skyline.

Fully automatedAWSmay issue special reports (SPECI) for cloudusing data

from cloud sensors.


CAVOK is included in reports (from staffed stations only) and forecastswhen

the following conditions are observed, or forecast tooccur, simultaneously:

• visibility of 10 km ormore;

• nil significant cloud, i.e. no cloud below 5000 ft or below the

highest 25 nmminimum sector altitude, whichever is greater, and no

cumulonimbus or towering cumulus at any height; and

• nil significantweather.

When the termCAVOK is given, the elements visibility, weather and cloud

will not be given.

Whenever a total of BKN ormore of low ormiddle cloud cover is at or above

5000 ft, andCAVOK has been used, the cloud amount andbasemay be given

as a remark (i.e. after RMK).

Significant Variation

Aerodrome forecastswill include significant changes or variations (indicated

by FM, BECMG, INTER and TEMPO) to the previously given conditions

when the relevant criteria aremet. These relate to improvements aswell as


2 – me t eorology

aerodrome forecasts and reports