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• The following signals, used either together or separately, shall beused by

an aircraft for the purposeof giving notice of difficultieswhich compel it to

landwithout requiring immediate assistance:

– the repeated switching on and off of the landing lights;

– the repeated switching on and off of thenavigation lights, in such a

manner as tobe distinctive from the flashing lights describedbelow;

– a succession ofwhitepyrotechnical lights.

• The following signals, used either together or separately, shall beused

by an aircraft for thepurpose of giving notice that the aircraft has a very

urgentmessage to transmit concerning the safety of a ship, aircraft or

vehicle, or of some person onboard orwithin sight:

– in radiotelegraphy, 3 repetitionsof thegroupXXX (– .. –– .. –– .. –), sent

with the lettersofeachgroup, and thesuccessivegroupsclearlyseparated

fromeachother, andsentbefore the transmissionof themessage;

– in radiotelephony, 3 repetitions of thewords PANPAN, sent before the

transmission of themessage;

– a succession of greenpyrotechnical lights;

– a succession of greenflasheswith signal apparatus.


• The safety signal shall be transmittedwhen an aircraftwishes to transmit

amessage concerning the safety of navigationor to give important

meteorological warnings.

• The safety signal shall be sent before the call and:

– in the caseof radiotelegraphy shall consist of 3 repetitions of thegroup

TTT (– – –), sentwith the letters of eachgroup and the successive

groups clearly separated from each other; and

– in the caseof radiotelephony shall consist of theword ‘SECURITY’,

repeated 3 times.


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