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If youhaveaLocatorbeacon, operate it asdescribed in ‘EMERGENCY


Collectwood, grass, etcandbuildseveral signallingfires–preferably in the formof

a triangle.Useoil from theengineand tyres tomakeblacksmoke.Unless there is

amplefirewood in thearea, donot lightfiresuntil youhearor seesearchaircraft, or

until desperate.Becareful tohaveafirebreakbetween thefiresandyour aircraft.

Try tohave thefiresdownwind from theaircraft.

Conserveyourbatteries if theaircraft radio isundamaged.Afteroneattempt to

contact anairwaysoperationsunit, donotuseyour transmitteruntil youhearor

seesearchaircraft.Maintaina listeningwatch, assearchaircraftmaybroadcast

informationor instruction in thehope that youcan receive.Makeanoteof, andcall

on theoverlyingcontrolledairspace frequency.Watch for contrails.

Makesignalson thegroundusing the ‘SearchandRescueGroundSignals

illustrated’ in thissectionand in theEMERGSection.

Aircraftmayflyover yournotified routeon thefirstor secondnight. Light thefires

assoonasyouhear them, and ifpossiblekeep themburningall night.

If youdonothaveaheliographor amirror, try to removesomebrightmetal fittings

fromyour aircraft for signalling–anyflashseenby theaircraftwill be investigated.


5 – forced land i ngs