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To remain in reasonable condition, you should take asmuch care as possible

to avoid accidents or illness. The following hintsmay help:

• keep your body and clothes as clean as possible;

• alwayswash your hands before eating;

• dispose properly of bodywastes, garbage, etc., in trenches;

• if possible, sterilise or boil water and cook food to avoidgastric troubles;

• avoid activitieswhichmay lead to injury;

• keep your clothing dry;

• keep your head coveredwhen in the sun; and

• do not sleep on the ground –make a raisedbedwith aircraft seats, wood

and dry leaves, etc.


Some type of shelter is essential whatever type of terrain youhave come

down in.

If your aircraft is not badly damaged, itmay beused as a shelter, otherwise

you should usewhatever is available from the aircraft and, by the useof

trees, etc, rig up a temporary tent as protection against theweather.


Youmay find that a fire is essential forwarmth, cooking, drying clothes,

distillingor purifyingwater. If there is plenty ofwood available this should

proveno problem, but otherwise youmay have to improvise a stove from a

can or other container. Fuel for such a stove couldbeoil or fat, using awick,

or petrol and a 75mm layer of fuel-impregnated sand.


5 – forced land i ngs