5 – d i s tress beacons
A distress beaconwith an encoded (GPS) location is usually detected by
theRCC and locatedwithinminutes. Distress beacons that donot have the
capability to provide an encoded position alsoprovide an initial alert to the
RCCwithinminutes, but therewill be no associatedposition. If emergency
contacts are awareof trip details or tripdetails have been submitted online,
search operations can be commencedmuch sooner. If theRCC has to rely on
Polar-orbiting satellites to determine the location of a beacon, the time to gain
an accurate positionmay take longer thereby delaying searchoperations.
Themost important thing to do is to switch off thebeacon and notifyRCC-
Australia as soon as possible by calling 1800 641792 to ensure a search
and rescue operation is not commenced. There is no penalty for inadvertent
It is crucial that 406MHz distress beacons be registered in recognized
beacon registrationdatabaseswhichwill be accessible to search and
rescue authorities at all times. The information contained in thesedatabases
concerning the beacon, its owner, and the vehicle/vessel onwhich the
beacon ismounted is vital for the effectiveuseof Search andRescue
resources. The proper registration of a beacon couldmake thedifference
between success and failure of a search and rescuemission [examples of
how the registration informationmay be used toenable the proper SAR
Registration is free and can result in amore efficient search and rescue effort.
As stated, digital 406MHz distress beacons transmit a unique code that
identifies a particular beaconwhen it is activated.
A registered406MHz beaconwill allow theAustralianMaritimeSafety
Authority’s (AMSA) RescueCoordinationCentre to access the registration
database and find contact details; details of registered vessels, aircraft or
vehicles; and details of up to three nominated emergency contactswhomay
be contacted if a beacon is activated and contact cannot bemade.
These emergency contactsmay be able to provide valuable information to
theRCC that can assistwith amore expedient rescue. Beacon registration
is valid for two years and renewal can be done onlineor by contacting
1800 406 406.