Distressbeaconshavebeenused inaviation formanyyearsand,withsomeflights
nowbeingconductedwithout the lodgementofflightplansornoticesor reporting
progress, there is increasing importanceonhavinganeffectivedistressbeaconas
ameansof last resort toalert theSARsystem that youare ingraveand imminent
danger.Adistressbeacon isauseful alertingand locationaidshouldyoube
required tocall for assistance. The following information isprovided togiveyouan
understandingof thedifferent typesofbeaconsavailableand theiruse.
Unless theaircraft isexempt,CivilAviationRegulation (CAR) 252A requires thepilot
incommandof anAustralianaircraft tocarryanemergency locator transmitter (ELT)
in theaircraftwhenoperatingmore than50nm from itsdepartureaerodrome.
Aircraft that areexempt from the regulationaresingleseat aircraft, balloons,
airships’ andgliders’.CASAhasalsomadeprovisionunderCAR252A for a
pilot tooperateanaircraftwithout anELTunder certaincircumstances. These
circumstances includepositioning theaircraft for installationor repairof anELT.
Apilotmayalsooperateanaircraft that isfittedwithanELTwithout theELT
where ithasbeen removed for repairmodificationor replacementprovidedan
entryhasbeenmade to themaintenance release inaccordancewithCAR252A
subregulation (3)
Whereanaircraft isnotfittedwithanELT the regulationmakesprovision for the
useof anapprovedportableELTor apersonal locatorbeacon inaccordancewith
the requirementsdetailed inCAR252A.
Operational use of Cospas-Sarsat by SAR agencies startedwith the
crash of a light aircraft inCanada, inwhich three peoplewere rescued
(September 10, 1982). Since then, theSystemhas beenused for thousands
of SARevents and has been instrumental in the rescueof over 24,000 lives
ThebasicCospas-Sarsat concept is illustrated in the adjacent figure.
TheSystem is composed of:
• distress beacons (ELTs for aviation use, EPIRBs formaritimeuse, and
PLBs for personal use) which transmit signals during distress situations;
• instruments on board satellites in geostationary and low-altitudeEarth
orbitswhich detect the signals transmittedby distress beacons;
5 –d i s tress beacons
distress beacons