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Aircraft engaged inPVT, AWK or CHTR operations, andwhich are normally

prohibitedbyCAR 258 from over-the-water flights because of their inability

to reach land in the event of engine failure,may fly overwater subject to

compliancewith the conditions in this section. These conditions are additional

to the requirements for flight over land.

There is no limitation for PVT, AWK or freight-onlyCHTR operations.

Each occupant of the aircraftmustwear a life jacket during the flight over the

water unless exempted from doing so under the terms of CAO20.11.

Ameteorological forecastmust be obtained.

VFR flights are required to submit a SARTIME flight notification toATSor

leave a Flight Notewith a responsible person.


VFR flightsmay choose to operate on reporting schedules for the over-water

stages of a flight. Schedulesmay be arranged before commencing theover-

water stage and terminate on completionof the crossing.

VFR aircraft not equippedwith radiowhichwill enable continuous

communication, or not radio equipped,must carry a survival beacon as

prescribed inCAO 20.11, for the over-water stages of the flight.

Helicoptersmust befittedwith an approved flotation systemunless

exemptedunder the terms of CAO 20.11.

Helicopters operating in accordancewith the approval givenmust comply

with theVFR, except that in the caseof helicopters operatingbelow 700 ft

abovewater by day, theflight visibilitymust not be less than 5000m and

the helicoptermust be flown at a distance equal toor greater than600m

horizontally and 500 ft vertically from cloud, unless track guidance is provided

by an approved operating radio navigation aid and the helicopter is equipped

with a complimentary radio navigation system.

overwater flights