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in-flight information

2 – f l i ght i nformat i on serv i ce

When a landing ismade on awater-affected runway, the pilot is requested

to adviseATS of the extent ofwater on the runway and the braking

characteristics experienced.

The following terms shouldbe used to describewater on a runway:


The surface shows a changeof colour due tomoisture.


The surface is soaked but there is no standingwater.


Patches of standingwater are visible.


Extensive standingwater is visible.

The following terms should be used to describebraking characteristics



Pilots should not expect tofind the conditions as good

aswhen operating on a dry runway, but should not

experience any directional control or braking difficulties

becauseof runway conditions.


Braking actionmay be such that the achievement of

a satisfactory landingor accelerate-stopperformance,

taking into account theprevailing circumstances,

depends on precise handling technique.


Theremay be a significant deterioration both inbraking

performance and directional control.

During the bush fire danger period, pilots in commandof an aircraft should

notify thenearest ATS unit promptly of any evidence of bush fires observed

which they believe has not been previously reported.