HazardAlerts contain information, assessed byATS tobe of an unexpected
and critical nature, that could assist pilots to avoid hazardous situations.
HazardAlertswill be:
• broadcast on the appropriateATS frequencies in the hour following the
observed or notifiedonset of the conditions and, as necessary,
• directed to those aircraftmaintaining continuous communicationswith
ATS (at the time thehazard is assessed) that arewithin one hour flight
timeof the hazardous condition.
HazardAlerts include:
• AIRMET; and
• observations, pilot reports, or amended forecasts indicating thatweather
conditions at the destination have unexpectedly deteriorated below the
IFR or VFR alternateminima, and any additional information that could
possibly assist the pilot in the avoidanceof hazardous situations.
HazardAlert Information, or its availability, will bedirected or broadcast on the
appropriateATS frequencies;
e.g. ‘ALLSTATIONSHAZARDALERTDUBBO. Pilot reports unexpected
deteriorationbelow theVFR alternateminima’.
Note: Broadcastswill normally bemade on receipt, H+15, andH+45.
When appropriate, ATC towersmay provide advice about HazardAlert
Information on theATIS.
A pilot in command becoming aware of any irregularity of operation of any
navigational or communications facility or serviceor other hazard to navigation
must report thedetails as soon as practicable. Reportsmust bemade to the
appropriateATS unit except that defects, or hazards, on a landing areamust
be reported to the person or authority grantinguse of the area.
in-flight information
2 – f l i ght i nformat i on serv i ce