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Requirements Enter the significant pointwhere the changewill

for change

occur, followed by anoblique stroke, the cruise speed and the

of speed/level level; e.g. AY/N0130A080. Both cruise speed and level must

be entered even if only one has changed.

Requirements Enter details of a change to flight rules following the

for change

entry in Items 8 of Y or Z.

of flight rules Enter the locationwhere the changewill occur followed by a

space andVFR or IFR; e.g. YBAFVFR.

Can accompany change in level; e.g. ROM/N0180A090 IFR.

Enter the letter C followed by anoblique stroke, thepoint at

which the cruise climbor reservation is planned to start, an

oblique stroke, the speed tobemaintained during the cruise

climbor reservation, AND the two levels defining the layer to

be occupied during the cruise climb or block reservation, OR

one level and thewordPLUS; e.g. C/FERET/N0380F370F390,

or C/FERET/N0380F370PLUS



Total estimatedelapsed time of theflight as four figures in

hours andminutes; e.g. 0340 and include any aerial work

delay noted asDLA in Item 18(a).



Other information relevant to a stageof the flight and

information about navaid training, block surveys andother

plain language remarks of significance.


For flights that enter or leave theAustralian FIRuseEET/ to

indicate the estimated elapsed time to theFIRboundary.


DEP/ when ZZZZ has been entered in Item 13 followed by

latitude and longitude or bearing and distance from a location

with an authorised abbreviation; e.g. DEP/BN090120.


DEST/ when ZZZZ has beenentered in Item16 followed by

latitude and longitude or bearing and distance from a location

with an authorised abbreviation; e.g. DEST/2730S1527E.

domesticflightnotification form

2 – br i e f i ng and not i f i cat i on


for cruise


block level
