Theoperator of an aircraft shall ensure that all passengers areorally briefed
beforeeach take-off on:
• smoking, including the prohibitionof smoking in toilets;
• the use and adjustment of seat belts;
• the location of emergency exits;
• the use of oxygenwhere applicable;
• the use of flotation deviceswhere applicable;
• stowage of hand luggage; and
• the presenceon board of special survival equipmentwhere applicable.
A typical passenger briefing on a private flight could go something like this:
‘The law requires that you refrain from smokingon the tarmac and in
the terminal aswell as during take-off, landing, and refuelling.
Your seatbelts are similar to your car’s and Iwould ask you tokeep
them fastened comfortablyduring take-off, landingandanyother
time I feel it is necessary for your safety.
Theexits operate like this… andwill onlybeopenedon theground.
Please stow your hand luggageunder the seat or I can secure it in
thebaggage compartment.
If you feel uncomfortable in anyway, please letme knowand I’ll do
everything I can to improve the situation’.
Passenger briefings such as this can instill confidence in your passengers and
start theflight offwell.
Theoperator of an aircraft shall ensure that ahandicappedperson, and the
person assisting thehandicappedperson, if any, isgiven individual briefing
appropriate to theneedsof that person in theprocedures tobe followed in the
event of emergencyevacuationof theaircraft. Thebriefingshould includewhich
emergencyexit touse andwhen tomove to theexit. Thepersongiving the
briefing should alsoenquire as to themost appropriatemanner of assisting the
handicappedperson so as toprevent painor injury to that person.
2 – saf e t y precaut i ons
safety precaut ions