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2 – f l i ght s over wat er


An aircraft that is flown overwater at a distance from landgreater than the

permitted distance (a distance equal to30minutes at normal cruising speed,

or 100 nm, whichever is the less),must carry, as part of its emergency and

lifesaving equipment, sufficient life rafts to provide a place in a life raft for

eachperson onboard the aircraft.

Life raftsshall be inaddition to the life jackets that are required for theflight. Life

raftscarried inaccordancewith thissectionshall bestowedsoas tobe readily

accessible in theevent of aditchingwithout appreciable time for preparatory

procedures.When life raftsarestowed incompartmentsor containers, such

compartmentsor containersshall beappropriatelyandconspicuouslymarked.

Life raftsshall complywithastandardapprovedbyCASA.


Aircraft or flightswhere the carriage of life rafts is required byCAO 20.11,

or on such other overwater flights as theAuthority specifies, shall carry

approved types of the following signalling equipment:

• oneELTwhenone life raft iscarriedandat least twoELTswhenmore thanone

raft iscarried. TheELTsshallmeet thestandardsspecifiedbyCASAandshall

bestowedsoas to facilitate their readyuse inanemergency; and

• a supply of pyrotechnic distress signals.

Single engine aircraft on flights overwater, which arenot equippedwith radio

communication equipment or are not capableof continuous air – ground

communication andwhich arenot required to carry a life raft, shall be required

to carry anELT.


An aircraft shall carry survival equipment for sustaining life appropriate to the

area being overflown on the following flights:

• where the carriage of life rafts are required; and

• duringoperationswithin or through the remote areas specifiedby the

remote areamaps; and

• on such other flights asmay bedirectedbyCASA.

safety equipment