safety equipment
2 – f l i ght s over wat er
Aircraft shall beequippedwith one life jacket that complieswith the
standards specified inCAO 20.11 for each occupantwhen the aircraft is over
water and at a distance from land:
• in the case of a single engine aircraft – greater than thatwhichwould
allow the aircraft to reach landwith the engine inoperative; and
• in the case ofmulti-engine aircraft – greater than 50 nm.
Note 1: For the purposes of this paragraph ‘land’ shall mean land suitable
for an emergency landing.
Note 2: Except as specified for RPTor CHTR, theprovisions of this
paragraph need not apply to land aircraft departing fromor
landing at an aerodrome in accordancewith a normal navigational
procedure for departing from or landing at that aerodrome.
Where requiredbyCAO20.11, a life jacket or individual flotationdevice shall be
stowed at or immediately adjacent toeach seat. In addition, sufficient additional
life jacketsor individual flotationdevices shall be carried ineasily accessible
positions for useby infantsor children forwhom a life jacket or individual
flotationdevice isnot available at or adjacent to their seatedposition.
Life jacketsshall besostowed in theaircraft thatone life jacket is readilyaccessible
toeachoccupant and, in thecaseofpassengers,withineasy reachof their seats.
Where life jackets are required to be carriedby single engine aircraft each
occupant shall wear a life jacket during flight overwater. However, occupants
of aeroplanes neednotwear life jackets duringflight above 2000 ft above the
Where life jackets are required to be carried in accordancewith paragraph
5.1.4 each occupant of a single engine aircraft shall wear a life jacket during
flight overwaterwhen the aircraft is operatedbeyondglidingdistance from
landorwater, as appropriate, suitable for anemergency landing. However,
occupants neednotwear life jacketswhen the aircraft is taking-off or landing
at an aerodrome in accordancewith a normal navigational procedure for
departing from or arriving at that aerodrome, andoccupants of aeroplanes
need notwear life jackets duringflight above2000 ft above thewater.