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• Civil flights inClassesA, C andD airspace, or IFRflights inClass E

airspace - the assigned temporary discrete code, otherwise3000.

• Civil IFR flights inClassG, or VFRflights inClass E or G airspace

participating inRIS - the assigned temporary discrete code.

• Civil IFR flights inClassG airspace not participating inRIS – 2000.

• Civil VFR flights inClass Eor G airspacenot participating inRIS – 1200.

• Civil flights not involved in special operations or SAR, operating inClassG

airspace inexcess of 15NMoffshore – 4000.

• Civil flights engaged in littoral (coastal) surveillance - 7615.

Pilots of flightswhichwill require aRIS and/or a clearance into controlled

airspace, and forwhich a discrete codehas already been coordinated,must

select that code immediately prior tomaking their RIS /clearance request.

A pilotmust not operate the special identification function ‘IDENT’ (SPI)

unless requested byATC.

Note that “squawk”doesnotmeanpress IDENT


Apilot departing from a radar controlled aerodromemust leave the

transponder selected toSTANDBYuntil entering the departure runway, and

on arrival select STANDBYor OFF as soon as practicable after landing.


Thepilot of an aircraft encountering anemergency inflight, other than loss

of two-way communications, should select code 7700unless he/she has

specific reason to believe thatmaintaining the assigned codewouldbe the

better courseof action.

Thepilotof anaircraft losing two-waycommunicationsmust set the

transponder tocode7600onpage394.

ATS surveillance services

3 – general i nformat i on