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2 – preparat i on

Consequently, the presence of cloud cover, poor visibility or high terrain to

thewest of an aerodromewill cause daylight toend at a time earlier than that

extracted from the appropriate graph. Allowance should bemade for these

factorswhen planning a flight having anETA near theendof daylight.

NAIPS automatically computes first light and last light. This information can

be provided through pilot access, as part of a telephone briefing, or from

Flightwatch (AIPGEN 2.7).


Local Time inAustralia falls into three separate zones:

• EST is used in theStates of NewSouthWales (except theBrokenHill

Area), Queensland, Victoria, Tasmania and theAustralianCapital Territory;

• CST is used in theState of SouthAustralia, theNorthern Territory and the

BrokenHill area; and

• WST is used in theState ofWesternAustralia.

However, certainStates introduce local Summer Time each year between

October of that year andMarch of the succeeding year, which adds an

additional hour to the local time applicable in that State.

NOTAM or AIPSupplementswill be issueddetailing revisedhours of

operation for those aeronautical facilities affectedby local time changes

duringperiods of StateSummer Time andwhich do not have such hours

promulgated inAIP.

daylight anddarkness