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First solo complete... Now what?

  • JRaz
  • Topic Author

JRaz created the topic: First solo complete... Now what?

Good afternoon,
I have recently completed my first solo flight. I began training in October of 2011 when I was 15... I just wanted to know how far off am I from my SPL? Or have I now got a SPL so confused... Just want some more general flying industry info after this is answered please. Thanks!

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  • Tom.RQM

Tom.RQM replied the topic: Re: First solo complete... Now what?

G'Day JRaz,
Firstly, congratulations on your first solo flight! A great achievement accomplished!!

To be able to fly solo, as pilot in command, you must hold a Students Pilots Licence, a current class 2 medical, ASIC (etc.). Therefore, to answer your question, you should already have a SPL.
As for your next steps, after spending another few hours going solo in the circuit, you'll continue basic flight training, before be let out into your local training area for a few solo flights! After which (provided your instructor is happy with your progress), you will be able to take a General Flying Progress Test - this will test your basic handling of the aircraft (everything you have learnt). From this licence, you can take PAX with you on solo flight in the training area.
After your GFPT (which is not a compulsory test to take), you'll move onto navigation training exercises, to get yourself ready for your Private Pilots Licence.

Let me know if there is anything else you would like help with!


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  • JRaz
  • Topic Author

JRaz replied the topic: Re: First solo complete... Now what?

Fantastic! Thanks that's a great amount of valuable information I was dying to know :) so I'm basically not working towards the PPL just yet until I pass my GFPT? And what do you mean GFPT is not compulsory? How are you able to move on without sitting that test??

Thanks, hope to hear from you soon :)

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  • Tom.RQM

Tom.RQM replied the topic: Re: First solo complete... Now what?

Hi Jamie,

Well really, all of your flying is working up to your PPL (or CPL and beyond!). So for the time being, you concentrate on just general handling and getting well acquainted with your aircraft. After GFPT, you'll work on navigation and techniques to get you from point A to B and so on.

GFPT isn't compulsory in the sense that you do not have to have completed and past the GFPT to be eligible to take your PPL flight test. However, most flight schools (especially if you are a private student and not enrolled in any course) with have you take the GFPT to give you something to work towards. The GFPT is also a great experience - giving you a flight test experience before your PPL. I personally completed the GFPT and it was a great bridge between general flying and PPL standard (also a great way to impress your mates!).


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  • JRaz
  • Topic Author

JRaz replied the topic: Re: First solo complete... Now what?

Thanks Tom!

You sure do know a lot! It's great to have your assistance in this matter, a great help indeed. Well, I'm off flying my second solo tomorrow yay :D do you mind if I ask a few more questions? I have so many hehe... What is the IREX exam? And how many ATPL exams are there to sit because I thought it was just the one? Lastly, what is flight planning? I have a friend who is a pilot and does flight planning so when exactly do you start learning flight planning? Is it hard?

Thanks again :)

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  • Tom.RQM

Tom.RQM replied the topic: Re: First solo complete... Now what?

No worries, mate! Glad to help :)

Where do you fly out of? Good luck tomorrow!

Well, from first flight to ATPL you have to cover the following exams:
Pre-Training Area Solo

Human Factors
Aircraft General Knowledge
Air Law

IREX - this is your instrument rating exam and (I haven't done it yet!), you need to pass this to be able to obtain your command instrument rating. I believe its a test on your knowledge of procedures and instrument flying (approaches, departures etc.)

ATPL (7 total - current syllabus is on the B727)
Air Law
Human Factors
Flight Planning
Performance & Loading
Aerodynamics & Aircraft Systems

Flight planning! Well, basically it is what you do before you set off on a navigation exercise. You must determine the track you will fly, what altitude you will fly at and how long each leg is (this is all done before the day of your nav). Then on the day you need to work out how the winds will effect the flight and what you must do to compensate for these winds (change your heading and your groundspeed will change).
It takes a bit to get used to, but after your first 2 or 3 navs you get the hang of it - not too bad after a while!
If your friend is willing, sit down with him and plan a nav that he is going to fly - that'll give you great heads up experience.
You'll learn how to flight plan after GFPT, once you commence your PPL navigation training.


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  • JRaz
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JRaz replied the topic: Re: First solo complete... Now what?

Great I'm extremely excited and looking forward to all of these challenges that's for sure!! Well I'm flying out of Essendon over to Bacchus for a couple of solo circuits as we expect a beautiful sunny day tomorrow with light winds. You have certainly answered all that I was curious to know. By the way, what kind of pilot are you if you don't mind me asking? Eg airline pilot, instructor?


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  • Tom.RQM

Tom.RQM replied the topic: Re: First solo complete... Now what?

Ahh sounds great! How did the flight go??

I'm actually in the middle of doing my CPL theory exams and still working up to PPL! (I recently fractured my wrist, so I haven't been flying for almost 4 months!!).
I'm doing a uni degree in Melbourne, in which I'll end up with my CPL (MECIR) and all ATPL subjects completed!


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  • JRaz
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JRaz replied the topic: Re: First solo complete... Now what?

The flight was great. A lot challenging fun even though I got stung by a bee on final approach to Essendon -.- anyhow, goodluck your progressing at least even though it is extremely unfortunate about your wrist!! :( why are you doing a uni degree? Is it compulsory because I thought most people don't go through uni...


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  • Tom.RQM

Tom.RQM replied the topic: Re: First solo complete... Now what?

Wow, that must have been an interesting approach to say the least!!

I'm doing the uni degree for two reasons:
1. So I have a back up if anything were to go wrong and eliminate my ability to fly commercially
2. Our flying is put onto FEE-Help, so we don't have to pay the $80,000 worth of flight training out of pocket! (it is repayed once we begin to earn a certain wage)

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