InstrumentsrequiredforprivateVFRoperations (CAO20.18)
Theflight and navigation instruments required for privateVFR operations are:
• an airspeed indicating system;
• a pressure altimeterwith a readily adjustable pressure datum setting scale
graduated inmillibars;
• a direct readingmagnetic compass or a remote indicatingmagnetic
compass and a standby direct readingmagnetic compass; and
• an accurate timepiece indicating hours,minutes and seconds. Thismay be
carriedon the person of the pilot or navigator.
Note that helicopters engaged inVFR regular public transport, charter or aerial
work operationsmust alsobe equippedwith:
• a slip indicator; and
• an outside air temperature indicatorwhen operating from or to a location
atwhich ambient air temperature is not available from ground-based
By day, whenVMC does not exist, theATCunit responsible for aCTRmay
authorise, at pilot request, a Special VFRflight in theCTR, or in aCTAnext to
theCTR for the purpose of entering or leaving theCTR, provided that:
• theSpecial VFR flightwill not unduly delay an IFRflight; and
• the flight can be conducted clear of cloud; and
• the visibility is not less than 800m (for helicopters); and
• a helicopterwill be operated at such a speed that the pilot has adequate
opportunity to observe any obstructions or other traffic in sufficient time
to avoid collisions; and
• the flight can be conducted in accordancewith the requirements of CAR
157with regard to low flying.
instruments required
special VFR