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If the pilot in command only holds aNGTVFR agricultural rating, aNGT

VFR flightmust not be conducted in controlled airspace. NGTVFRflight is

restricted toCHTR, AWK andPVT operations in aeroplanes not exceeding

5700 kgmaximum take-offweight, helicopters, airships and balloons.

Passenger carryingCHTR flights in single engine (non-turbinepowered)

aircraft are not permitted to operate underVFR at night.


By day, whenVMC does not exist, theATC unit responsible for aCTRmay

issue, at pilot request, a SpecialVFR clearance for flight in theCTR, or in a

CTA next to theCTR for the purpose of entering or leaving theCTR, provided:

• theSpecialVFR flightwill not unduly delay an IFR flight;

• the flight can be conducted clear of cloud;

• the visibility is not less than 800m for helicopters or 1600m for

aeroplanes; or for balloons, not less than100mbelow500 ft AGL and

3000m at and above 500 ft AGL.

• a helicopterwill be operated at such a speed that thepilot has adequate

opportunity to observe any obstructions or other traffic in sufficient time to

avoid collisions; and

• the flight can be conducted in accordancewith the requirements of CAR

157with regard to lowflying, (see page 29).

Note: SpecialVFR is not permitted inClass E airspace.


Flight visibility shall be determined by the pilot in command from the cockpit

of the aircraftwhile in flight.

Subject toCAR 257, the pilot in command of an aircraft operating under the

VFR is responsible for determining the visibility for the take-off and landingof

the aircraft.

In determining visibility for the purposes of this regulation, thepilot in

command shall take into account themeteorological conditions, sunglare and

any other condition thatmay limit his or her effective vision throughhis or her


visual flight rules

3 – general i nformat i on