
Below is the current errata list for this textbook. These errata will be corrected in the next edition


Part 6 Sample Exam Questions - Page 399.  A number of Questions have been made out of date because of changes to CASA regulations.  Question No 6 - The temperature and QNH figures should appear at the bottom of the TAF.  Question No 13 - Disregard, question is no longer valid.  Question No 14 See BOM Knowledge Centre under TAFs. Question No 15 - This Question now should refer to a TAF3, not a TAF.  Question No 30 - Reference now is AIP ENR 1.4 para 5.1.1(d).  Question No 56 - 'Devenport' has been changed to 'Broom'.  Question No 61 - Disregard.  This question is no longer valid.  Question No 82 - Answer on Page 136 of the book has been amended.  Question No 65 - Aircraft empty weight has been changed to 687kg and answer is now (b). 



                 Page 407 Question 65 now reads as:                                 The answer is now C





               The PRD section in the ERSA has been renamed to SUA (Special Use Airspace),  3 questions have been

                    amended to reflect that.      Updated Questions




                Changes to the PPL study guide        PPL changes Page1

       PPL changes Page2

        PPL changes Page3


Page 18. There is no longer a prescriptive climb gradient of 6%.  Part 91 MOS 24.02 simpy says that it is the pilot's responisibility to ensure that the aircraft is capable of safely climbing out after take-off.  Same thing applies to the landing approach gradient and missed approach gradient.  It's the pilot's responsibility.  Page 353.  There is no such thing as a 'mercy flight'.  That term has been dropped.  Once again, it is the pilot's responsibiity to ensure that any flight complies with the regulations.


Progress Test 2 page 25.  Question 3 and Question 6 have been replaced, 

New Question 3.  The pilot in command must ensure that the aircraft is capable of climbing in the take-off configuration at a gradient-[a] of 10% [b] of 3% [c] of 5% [d] that would assure obstacle clearance. (Answer [d].

New Question 6.  A zero fuel weight limit is imposed to ensure that excessive stresses are no imposed. [a] on the fuel tanks during flight [b] on the wing roots during taxiing [c] on the wing roots during flight [d] on the ailerons during a turn (Answer [c]


A new section has been added to the AIP 'When ATIS is temporarily unavailable'.  Traffic information broadcast by aircraft (TIBA). See AIP ENR 1.1 para 11.  Questions on this could be included in MET or AIR LAW exams.


Page 20-21.  The question text gives a 10kt headwind but the answer shows a 5kt headwind.  The Question text needs to be amended to show a 5kt headwind.


Page 208 to 216.  Any reference to 'flight fuel' is now changed to 'trip fuel'.  Any reference to 'fixed reserve' is now changed to 'final reserve fuel'.



                      The required aeronautical knowledge for the CASA PPL is largely unchanged.  However there have been some changes affecting the document references where the information can be found.  The links below will assist in finding the new references that affect the PPL study guide. pdfPPL_AIP_REFERENCES.pdf        pdfNEW_PPL_MOS_REFERENCES.pdf



                                 Page 160 AIP ENR 1.1 para c and now reads c and

                                 Page 161 AIP ENR 1.1 para and now reads and

                                 Page 162 AIP ENR 1.1 para now reads AIP ENR 1.1 para

                                 Page 177 AIP ENR 1.1 para to reads AIP ENR 1.1 para to

                                 Page 180 AIP ENR 1.1 para & now reads AIP ENR 1.1 para &

                                 Page 181 AIP ENR 1.1 para & now reads AIP ENR 1.1 para &

                                 Page 182 Question 5 AIP ENR 1.1 para & a now reads AIP ENR 1.1 para & a

                                 Page 185 Question 23 AIP ENR 1.1 para now reads AIP ENR 1.1 para


         Page 407   Question 46   RPL/PPL Volume 2 Page 213   now reads   Page 227
                           Question 47   RPL/PPL Volume 2 Page 213   now reads   Page 227
                           Question 49   RPL/PPL Volume 2 Page 232   now reads   Page 237

         Page 408  Question 51   RPL/PPL Volume 2 Page 232   now reads   Page 245
                           Question 52   RPL/PPL Volume 2 Page 232   now reads   Page 264
                           Question 53   RPL/PPL Volume 2 Page 254   now reads   Page 266
                           Question 54   RPL/PPL Volume 2 Page 252   now reads   Page 266
                           Question 55   RPL/PPL Volume 2 Page 252   now reads   Page 266
                           Question 56   RPL/PPL Volume 2 Page 276   now reads   Page 288
                           Question 57   RPL/PPL Volume 2 Page 276   now reads   Page 288

         Page 409  Question 58   RPL/PPL Volume 2 Page 282   now reads   Page 297
                           Question 60   RPL/PPL Volume 2 Page 243   now reads   Page 252

        Page 410   Question 68   RPL/PPL Volume 2 Page 165   now reads   Page 177
                           Question 69   RPL/PPL Volume 2 Page 165    now reads   Page 177

        Page 411  Question 71   RPL/PPL Volume 2 Page 152    now reads    Page 158
                          Question 73   RPL/PPL Volume 2 Page ---      now reads   Page 164
                          Question 74   RPL/PPL Volume 2 Page ---      now reads   Page 164
                          Question 75   RPL/PPL Volume 2 Page ---      now reads   Page 164

        Page 415   Question 106  RPL/PPL Volume 2 Page ---    now reads   Page 197

        Page 416  Question 113   RPL/PPL Volume 2 Page 311   now reads   Page 330

        Page 417  Question 127   RPL/PPL Volume 2 Page 196  now reads   Page 208


          Page 148  AIP GEN 3.5 para 13  now reads AIP GEN 3.5 para 12  (3 times of the page)

          Page 149  AIP GEN 3.5 para 13  now reads AIP GEN 3.5 para 12  (3 times of the page)

          Page 150  AIP GEN 3.5 para 3.7.3  now reads AIP GEN 3.5 para 3.6.1 &  3.6.3

          Page 151  AIP GEN 3.5 para 3.7.1 &  3.7.3  now reads AIP GEN 3.5 para 3.6.1 &  3.6.3

          Page 152  AIP GEN 3.5 para 13 & 14  now reads AIP GEN 3.5 para 12 & 13

          Page 153  AIP GEN 2.2 page 30  now reads AIP GEN 2.2 page 32

          Page 156  AIP GEN 3.5 para 12.8.1 & 12.13  now reads AIP GEN 3.5 para 11.7 & 11.12

          Page 157  AIP GEN 3.5 para 12.13  now reads AIP GEN 3.5 para 11.14

          Page 158  AIP GEN 3.5 para 4.7 & 11.2 & page 122 Apendix 2  now reads AIP GEN 3.5 para 6.2 & 6.3

                            AIP GEN 3.5 page 16 now reads  AIP GEN 3.5 page 51

          Page 162  AIP GEN 3.5 para 12.16 & 12.17 now reads  AIP GEN 3.5 para 11.18

                            AIP GEN 3.5 para 3.4.3  now reads  AIP GEN 3.5 para 3.4.4

                            AIP GEN 3.5 para 18  now reads  AIP GEN 3.5 para 16

          Page 176  AIP GEN 3.5 para 7.3  now reads  AIP GEN 3.5 para 7.2 

          Page 182  Question 1  AIP GEN 3.5 para 3.7.4  now reads  AIP GEN 3.5 para 3.6.4

                            Question 2  AIP GEN 3.5 para 3.7.5  now reads  AIP GEN 3.5 para 3.6.5

                            Question 3  AIP GEN 3.5 para 3.7.5  now reads  AIP GEN 3.5 para 3.6.5

                            Question 4  AIP GEN 3.5 para 3.7  now reads  AIP GEN 3.5 para 3.6

                            Question 5  AIP GEN 3.5 para 13  now reads  AIP GEN 3.5 para 12

                            Question 6  AIP GEN 3.5 para 3.7  now reads  AIP GEN 3.5 para 3.6 

                            Question 7  AIP GEN 3.5 para 3.7 & 3.8 & 13  now reads  AIP GEN 3.5 para 3.6 & 3.7 & 12

                            Question 8  AIP GEN 3.5 para 17 (note 2)  now reads  AIP GEN 3.5 para 7.22 

                            Question 9  AIP GEN 3.5 para 12.16.2  now reads  AIP GEN 3.5 para 11.16.2

                            Question 10  AIP GEN 3.5 para 12.16  now reads  AIP GEN 3.5 para 11.16

          Page 184   Question 14  AIP GEN 3.5 page 44  now reads  AIP GEN 3.5 page 51

                             Question 15  AIP GEN 3.5 para 3.6  now reads  AIP GEN 3.5 para 3.4

                             Question 16  AIP GEN 3.5 para 3.6  now reads  AIP GEN 3.5 para 3.4

                             Question 20  AIP GEN 3.5 para 7.3.4  now reads  AIP GEN 3.5 para 7.2.4

          Page 185   Question 21  AIP GEN 3.5 para 3.6  now reads  AIP GEN 3.5 para 3.4

                            Question 22  AIP GEN 3.5 para 3.6.3  now reads  AIP GEN 3.5 para 3.4.3

                            Question 23  AIP GEN 3.5 para 3.7.5  now reads  AIP GEN 3.5 para 3.6.5

          Page 402   Question 1  AIP ENR 1.2 para 2.7  now reads  AIP ENR 1.2 para 2.5

                            Question 4  AIP ENR 1.1 para 10.0.21  now reads  AIP ENR 1.1 para 10.3.1

                            Question 6  AIP ENR 1.2 para 1.1.13  now reads  AIP ENR 1.1 para 4.2

                            Question 8  AIP ENR 1.2 para 2.6  now reads  AIP ENR 1.2 para 2.5 

          Page 403   Question 10  AIP ENR 1.5 para 14.1  now reads  AIP ENR 1.5 para 12.1

          Page 404   Question 19  AIP ENR 1.5 para 14.3  now reads  AIP ENR 1.5 para 12.3

          Page 405   Question 25  AIP ENR 1.4 para 3.2.1  now reads  AIP ENR 1.4 para 5.2.1

                            Question 30  AIP ENR 1.4 para 4.1.1(d)  now reads  AIP ENR 1.4 para 6.1.1(d)

                            Question 31  AIP ENR 1.4 para 3.2.1(c)  now reads  AIP ENR 1.4 para 5.3.5

          Page 411  Question 71  AIP ENR 3.5 para 7.4.2  now reads  AIP ENR 3.5 para 10.4.1


14.11.2020   The PDF in this link replaces the section on TTF's with it replacement the TAF3



          Amended the Takeoff Chart on page 23 as the CASA Chart had errors, this is the new one Takeoff Chart.pdf

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