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Compass card deviation correction

  • hiwing
  • Topic Author

hiwing created the topic: Compass card deviation correction

Hi there,
I'm a newbie to the forum and hoping to find some help to an issue on correction of compass card devation heading vs magnetic course.
I have tried my first e- books PPL Nav test and cant find out why some of my answers for Compass deviation to magnetic course are incorrect.
My incorrect answers are only out by 1dg and I don' know why. Any replies to set me straight would be appreciated.

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  • Carello

Carello replied the topic: Compass card deviation correction

Without knowing the question you are having a problem with all I can do is give you a general explanation using a sample Compass Deviation Card.

The first thing that you need to realise is that when you navigate an aircraft by compass you are flying a compass heading, not a magnetic heading. Yes, the two headings are intimately related and use synonymously, but they can and often do differ by a few degrees. In effect, the required magnetic heading is corrected for compass deviation (error) on that heading to fly a compass heading.

Without getting into too much detail,
If you wanted the steer 360M, you would fly 360C - compass north and magnetic are the same
If you wanted to steer 090M, you would fly 085C - compass north is 5 degrees east of magnetic north (dev E)
If you wanted to steer 270M, you would fly 274C - compass north is 4 degrees west of magnetic north (dev W)

This is all straight forward if you want to fly one of the cardinal points, but what compass heading would you fly if you wanted to fly say 004M or 018M or 025M?

Looking at the calibration card and filling in the deviation gaps in increments of 1 degree, we get

004M is closest to N so you would use a deviation of 0
The required heading would be 004-000 = 004C

018M is closest to 020M so you would use a deviation of 2E (2 degrees under)
The required heading would be 018-002 =016C

025M is half way between 020M and 030M, so you would use a deviation of 2E or 3E (2 or 3 degrees under)
The required heading would be 025-002 = 023C or 025-003 - 022C - both answers are correct.
On paper you might say 025-002.5 = 022.5C
In practice you will have trouble hold a heading within +/- 5 degrees

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  • hiwing
  • Topic Author

hiwing replied the topic: Compass card deviation correction

Thanks Carello. Even tough you might not have realised it at the time, you have got to my question and given the answer that I was hoping to see. The part of your answer which helped me was the 025M course heading and the interpolation between the two possible card deviations. I seemed to select the wrong number on more than one occasion! In an exam situation, in you answer, would either of the the two possibles be acceptable/correct, or the more specific "22.5C" (mean/average) be the correct answer? I'd like to think I can stay on track well enough to arrive over the destination, but to fly within 0.5 dg of course setting....I'm not that good.

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  • Carello

Carello replied the topic: Compass card deviation correction

but to fly within 0.5 dg of course setting....I'm not that good
No one is that good; that is why you would round to the nearest degree. Even then, it's not all that practical.

In an exam situation ...
It has been 40 years since I sat the exam, so I cannot comment with any real authority.
I would assume the multi-choice answers would make it clear which way to go - i.e. round up or down.

I'm not aware of any rounding convention for deviation - perhaps Stuart or Bob can answer that question.

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  • hiwing
  • Topic Author

hiwing replied the topic: Compass card deviation correction

Thanks Carello.
I appreciate your feedback.

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