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Link to CAO 20-95.2

  • mt.matt
  • Topic Author

mt.matt created the topic: Link to CAO 20-95.2

Hi there,

I'm a few weeks off sitting my PPL exam and am having trouble finding free links to the CAO 20-95.2 publications.

Does anyone know of a link/ website/ place where I can get copies of these for self printing purposes? I have found a site where I can buy them for about $120 but that seems silly.


PS. Before you ask, I am doing the exam alone and not through a school so do not have access to their copies, if that is even permissible anyway.

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  • Richard

Richard replied the topic: Re: Link to CAO 20-95.2

Hi Mt.Matt,

First off, all current regs are available for free and online at CASA's website. The latest AIP (including ERSA/RDS) informaton is available at Air Services.

Here's the CASA link to the CAO's:
Each of these will take you to the ComLaw website where you can view the CAOs you need.

If you want it, the CASA page with links to all the current regs is found here:

The publications area of Air Servics will give you access to the AIP and ERSA information in PDF form:
You need to agree to the copyright terms before you can view the documents but they are freely viewable. Note, if you print or save the PDF's, each page will have a copyright notice watermark but is otherwise totally legible.



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  • mt.matt
  • Topic Author

mt.matt replied the topic: Re: Link to CAO 20-95.2

Thanks for the quick reply Rich.

Thats great, I feared I was going to have to fork out more money and since this exam is strictly for UAV operation and licensing at the moment, almost wasted money.

If I may though, I am a bit in the dark on what I actually need to print and take with me. Is is CAO 20 Air Service Operations alone (including all the subsections), CAO 20.95.2 alone (which i can't find), or CAO95.2 (which is only a Repeal Order) or is it CAO 20 through to CAO 95.2 (inclusive of every publication in-between?) Wish CASA was a bit more clear.

If you know the answer to this it would be a big help in my document collection.

Thanks heaps,


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  • Richard

Richard replied the topic: Re: Link to CAO 20-95.2

Hi Matt,

The good news is for the PPL exam all you really need is a copy of the VFG from CASA which you can get printed at your local office works for about $50 (depending on where you go). Although it has a couple of errors in it, the vast majority or the information you need is in there. Here's the link to the CASA PDF if you need it:

You can check out our free E-Text version first before you decide to get a printout as well too:

The errors we have reported to CASA are:
- Values for QNH and temperature ina TAF are incorrectly described on page 137. The current AIP says values given are for HH, HH+3, HH+6 and HH+9 with linear interpolation between and not "spot forecasts" as described in the VFG
- Special VFR requirements is reported as requiring 3000m on page 217 and 1600m in Class D. The AIP makes no such distinction (anymore?) and refers to a minimum visibility of 1600m and clear of cloud etc.

The advantages of the VFG are a good index and glossary, clearer layout and easier-to-read text and it is also cheaper. You will still need to get a PCA chart, ERSA etc as well as think about printing out or at least taking a look at CAAP 5-59, 234-1 and 92-1. The VFG will at least save you having to fork out for the CAOs, CARs and the AIP (full).

The disadvantage is, you cannot use it in the CPL exams so if you are going on to commercial you may feel it makes sense to go the whole hog with the documents right from the word go.

More information on requirements for the exam can be found here:

The PPL section is a little way down the page.



P.S. Matt, that's a fascinating avatar picture you've got there. Is that from one of your survey runs?

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  • mt.matt
  • Topic Author

mt.matt replied the topic: Re: Link to CAO 20-95.2

Thanks for your info, so that I can attempt to rule out the doubt in my head of all the various sources of information regarding what is and is not permissible in the exam, I can simply take in an ERSA, PCA and the Day VFR guide and I'll be fine? It is unnecessary to take in the mountains of paper with the other CASA publications?

I just found another topic here on the forum that highlighted the importance of the VFR Day Syllabus and on learning this? Is this true? Sorry to keep picking your brain on this matter but I don't really have a 'teacher' I can go too. What started with the BAK and PPL books has grown into a bit of a mess and I'm feeling a bit daunted by what I need to learn and take with me.

Yes thats a pic of me on survey over Northern NSW, I probably should of been looking at the camera haha.

Thanks heaps, it is truly appreciated.

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  • Richard

Richard replied the topic: Re: Link to CAO 20-95.2

Hi Matt,

Yes, the PCA, the ERSA and a printout of the Day VFR guide will be enough as long as you make sure you have had a look at those CAAPs I mentioned. It looks like they do not list CAAP 5-59 (Threat and Error Management) as an allowable document so you should make sure you are familiar with the example in sections 13 and 14 of this in case it gets confiscated at the door.

Also check the tabbing and highlighting rules too. Basically, no tabs for the VFG (not that you would need them anyway) and a maximum of 5 tabs in the ERSA.

The VFR Day syllabus is a handy reference or checklist of knowledge to make sure you have covered all areas to be examined. If you work through Bob's BAK and PPL books you can be sure to have covered the important points needed for the exam.

You will find the Day VFR syllabus here:

Your picture looked like one of those Lomo effect photos and looking out the window rather than at the camera makes for a better shot I reckon. But, what would I know, I still take photos of my own thumb most of the time :)



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  • mt.matt
  • Topic Author

mt.matt replied the topic: Re: Link to CAO 20-95.2

Thank you for your help.
Yeah the photo was an iphone photo only, through the hipstamatic app, hence the cool effect. I like it.

May the force be with me during this exam.

Cheers once again.


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  • malflyskiau

malflyskiau replied the topic: Re: Link to CAO 20-95.2

Hi Rich,

Trying to get a copy of the PDF format of the VFRG the above link does not have one.
Natural Read won't read the version you have up as well.

Thanks Mal

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  • stuart

stuart replied the topic: Re: Link to CAO 20-95.2

Hi Mal
Here the link to the PDF: bobtait.com.au/vfg/vfrg-whole.pdf


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