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I can see that in Q23 of CPL performance final test on page 252, it says 2630 + 107.2, my question is where did 107.2 come from as normally we just add total weight of fuel + ZFW limit. Also, do we need to consider 10% contingency and taxi fuel in this question? if not why? as question does not says that we are considering weight at take off or startup
You are ZFW limited. The weight of all fuel on board at take-off is
Trip Fuel x 1.1 (that adds the 10% contingency fuel)
+ Final Reserve Fuel of 41kg (15gal)
Ignore taxi because we need the fuel at Take off.
That makes 80x1.1 +41 = 129kg
The figure of 107.2 should have been 129 and it is correct in the flow chart. However, it doesn't change the answer since you are ZFW limited anyway. The Question has been amended . Thanks for your feedback.