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Welcome to the CPL Performance question and answer forum. Please feel free to post your questions but more importantly also suggest answers for your forum colleagues. Bob himself or one of the other tutors will get to your question as soon as we can.
Remember that the aircraft must be within limits at zero fuel weight AND at take-off. Try putting the two extra passengers in and then taking the fuel out of the main tanks and check the c of g at zero fuel weight. You may find that it is within limits with the fuel in but out of the aft limit with no fuel on board.
Question is faulty or you recalled the detail incorrectly.
Start load is forward of forward limit. (2383 vs 2536)
A forward limit problem so removing aft baggage is only going to worsen the problem. Forget that.
Add the two pax and reduce fuel to achieve MTOW and see where that leaves you. (2497 vs 2560). Still too far forward.
Continue reducing fuel to achieve the forward limit (around 85kg fuel at 2527).
My guess is that the nominated IU is incorrect and way too far forward.
(edit to correct answer error)
Engineering specialist in aircraft performance and weight control.