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bobtait created the topic: Difference in Final Reserve part 91 vs 135
Yes, that is what it says. It's a pity that they made such a mess of explaining something as important as fuel requirements. You've got to go jumping between two separate documents with no cross referencing or 'see also' advice and you always end up wondering if you've missed something.
Part 91 MOS (refers to private flights) says that IFR flights need:
No contingency fuel,
but 45min final reserve fuel.
Part 91 MOS para 19.02 Table 19.02 (2) Item 3
Part 135 MOS (refers to air transport flights) says that IFR flights need:
10% contingency fuel for piston engine aircraft, and
45 minutes final reserve fuel (30 min for turbines).
Part 135 MOS para 7.02 definition of contingency fuel.
and 7.02 definition of final reserve fuel