Welcome to the CPL Performance question and answer forum. Please feel free to post your questions but more importantly also suggest answers for your forum colleagues. Bob himself or one of the other tutors will get to your question as soon as we can.
I've recently started studying performance and I'm getting answers within 1 or 2 kg of the answers in the book due to rounding. I'm certain that I'm doing the questions correctly and i have been saving all rounding until the end for accuracy.
Someone on the PPE website said there was a rounding guide in the front of the PERF book for all formulas? I can't find it anywhere?! Is this because it's in the latest version of the book? I have the 2017 edition.
(a) run some forum searches on the question as there are numerous threads on this general subject
(b) post one of your typical question solutions and we can comment on what you are doing, specifically, and whether that might be good, bad, or indifferent.
Engineering specialist in aircraft performance and weight control.