I think you've answered your question in your question. I suspect that the exams are likely to confine themselves generally to the runway width rather than the strip width.
For a pilot, the basics include -
(a) the runway (of whatever width) is the bit intended for routine takeoff and landing. This is the bit which is of primary interest to the pilot.
(b) the runway strip within the boundary markers (gables/cones) is suitable for lateral overrun mishap excursions in most cases. It is also quite important to understand that, for separation and compliance with ATC, to "clear the runway" means that you have to get yourself outside the boundary marker alignment.
The strip is very important for airports obstacle limitation surface and instrument letdown procedures design work and it is worth your while having a look through the MOS. The relevant Part 139 MOS for OLS is at
www.legislation.gov.au/Details/F2020C007...ml/Text#_Toc49957559. (The link takes you to the MOS and then takes a few seconds to jump to the OLS stuff at Ch 7). It is important to note the relationship of the strip to aerodrome obstacle limitation surfaces and protected surfaces for instrument procedures design.
Certainly worth a pilot's having a look through the MOS to get a bit of an idea of what's what in aerodromes standards, especially if a pilot were to have any interest in progressing to airline flying in the future.
Procedures design gets a bit involved and probably is a bit beyond what might be useful to you at this stage. However, if you are interested, you could have a look through the ICAO PANS-OPS documents - Doc 8168 Vol I and II.