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Echo loading system

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jukzizy created the topic: Echo loading system

please anyone with clear ideas how to solve this question?

Based on Echo loading system

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  • John.Heddles
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John.Heddles replied the topic: Echo loading system

Probably you are concerned by the lack of CG data. This, I suggest, is one of the problems arising from trying to fit questions to predetermined answer protocols. It works better if you list the information, have a think about what is going on .. and, only then, have a look at a solution.

First let's have a think about what the question says -

(a) the weight is not limited by aerodrome dimensions. That is, there are no performance limitations so we are looking just at maximum weights.

(b) presume we can balance the aircraft. That is, we can ignore any CG considerations and only concern ourselves with weights.

(c) bin answers (a) and (d) as they are above the rear hold limit of 155 kg and are there just as distractors to confuse the issue

So now let's plug the numbers given into the typical weight calculation -

(As I have no idea how to format in this system - it strips spaces and ignores tabs - I'll put the numbers first so it is a bit easier to follow. Perhaps Bob or Stuart might be able to edit the table appropriately ?)

2455 ZFW (less rear cargo)
155 rear cargo - let's start with the maximum as that is one of the limits to consider
2610 final ZFW - MZFW is 2630 so we are OK there
270 fuel at TO
2880 TOW - MTOW is 2950 so we are OK there
100 minimum sector burn
2780 LW - MLW is 2725 so we do have a problem there - overweight by 2780-2725=55

So we need to reduce the rear cargo from the maximum presumed at the start of the question (155) by 55 to come in at the MLW.

So the maximum rear cargo load is 100 kg and we run with answer (c).

We have checked hold limits, ZFW limits, TOW limits, and LW limits. That's about all we need to do, I guess.

Engineering specialist in aircraft performance and weight control.

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jukzizy replied the topic: Echo loading system

Thank you very much sir..It is very helpfull and crystal clear

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