Thanks Bob, without questioning your expertise on the subject, but to flesh out more detail, if i want to compare say 30 knots at 60 degree cross wind, the cross wind correction table has the HW component as 15, the flight computer (E6-

has a reading of around 18 knots. Will that be enough to fail the exam question? I have calculated two scenario's for discussion below! I understand that CASA has provided some tolerance in answers for the questions, but having failed PNR on my KDR's twice in a row, i'm looking to split hairs to see where the issue may be. Thanks in advance and your consideration in the answer.
Example 500nm, Wind 30 knots at 60 degrees outbound, echoe 65%, isa conditions 5000ft ie TAS 189knts. 200 gallons usable fuel at take off. Distance from departure to PNR?
200-15(FR)/1.1 (VR) = 168.2 Gals. 168.2/28 (GPH)*60 = 360.4 Minutes (Safe endurance) GS speed outbound 174 (grid), 171 (FC), GS Home 204 (grid) 201 (FC)
Cross wind correction grid = 360.4 (SE)*204 (GS Home)/ 378 (2*TAS)= 194.28 Minutes. 194.28*174/60=563.41nm
Computer = 360.4 (SE) * 201 (GS Home) / 378 (2*TAS)= 191.64 minutes 191.64 * 171/60=546.17nm