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CFPA Exam Review

  • maxiboy
  • Topic Author

maxiboy created the topic: CFPA Exam Review

Hi All,

This is my exam brief for the CFPA Exam. I completed the exam with just short of 30 minutes remaining on the clock. Here's my contribution to help all other students who are preparing for this exam.

  • Density Height calculation (given PH, OAT and QNH).
  • Vspeed questions (how is it marked on ASI, best speed for inflight conditions such as turbulence)
  • Factors affecting takeoff/landing performance (temperature, slope, air density, wind)
  • Takeoff/Landing Performance Charts (one question for each chart type, given PH or you have to calculate DA/DH yourself. Otherwise, in some cases you need to look up TODA for a specified airport....CHECK ELEVATION!)
  • ALA Theory Questions (Pavement Classification Number - PCN, minimum runway strip width - RWS at an airport, but can't say which one).
  • Alpha/Bravo Questions (max baggage that can be loaded, keep an eye on your MTOW/MZFW limitations... don't bust them)
  • Charlie Questions (initial weight is given, calculate max cargo)
  • ECHO General Questions (add/remove, shift and ballast weight/fuel)
  • ECHO Removal of Seats (calculate new IU when seats are removed)
  • ECHO Auxiliary Fuel Tank (when fuel is burned, how does CoG move?)
  • ECHO Floor Loading Intensity (given dimensions of box loaded into rear compartment on Echo aeroplane)
  • Fuel Planning (e.g. flying to search area, max endurance, calculate start-up fuel and fuel at take-off).
  • ETP/CP and PNR Theory (i.e. how do they shift in nil wind vs. headwind/tailwind scenario).
  • ETP/CP Calculations (asks for distance to/from A. No multi-engine scenarios with differing fuel flow/GSH from ETP/CP).
  • PNR Calculations (calculate time/distance to PNR from a point)
Overall the breakdown of the questions were as follows:

  • 2x V Speed Questions (Vne, Vb, Vno, Va, Vfe, etc)
  • 2x Take-off/landing factors affecting performance
  • 1x ALA Theory Question
  • 5x Takeoff/Landing Performance Charts
  • 2x Alpha/Bravo Loading Systems(s)
  • 2x Charlie Loading System
  • 6x Echo Loading System
  • 4x Fuel Planning
  • 2x ETP/CP and PNR Theory
  • 2x Equi-Time Point/Critical Point (ETP/CP) calculations
  • 2x Point of No Return (PNR)
Total of 30 Questions

Note: Distribution of marks (i.e. 1.00, 2.00 and even 3.00 marks are given for some questions).

If you are given a question which is worth 3.00 marks, and it seems fairly straight forward and simple... don't be deceived as I guarantee you that CASA will throw you a curve ball. Make sure you dig deeper and see what they really are asking from you by considering all possible variables. These factors may involve, for example: You load max baggage in a loading system, but bust your ZFW or station/compartment capacity (Echo System) is exceeded... just be careful and work through these questions carefully.

All questions are multi-choice, except for 1x PNR Calculation question asking for time back to A. You are required to type your answer is whole minutes only.

Overall, I strongly suggest the Bob Tait Performance textbook to prepare for the examination. I found that all concepts in the exam were explored through this textbook, leaving no surprises when it came to sitting the CASA exam. The key is REPETITION, REPETITION, REPETITION. If you memorise all the formula's, work accurately and quickly then you'll have no issues with finishing the exam on time.

Remember that each candidate's exam differs from individual to individual. This serves only as a guide to help you scope your preparation so please ensure that you read up on all topics/areas to thoroughly prepare for this exam. Good luck! :)

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  • Richard

Richard replied the topic: CFPA Exam Review

Another simply excellent exam review. Thanks very much maxiboy. Fantastic effort and congratulations on passing! Well done :)



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  • maxiboy
  • Topic Author

maxiboy replied the topic: CFPA Exam Review

Thank you Richard, I very much appreciate your feedback. Keep an eye out for further reviews for all 7 subjects in future! :)

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