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Forecasts required
Topic Author
pauldeegan created the topic: Forecasts required
AIP ENR 1.10-1 1.2
A forecast must be either a flight forecast or an area forecast with an aerodrome forecast for the destination and, when required, the alternate aerodrome. For a flight to a destination for which a prescribed instrument approach procedure does not exist, the minimum requirement is an Area Forecast.
Say you are flying to a destination that is an ALA and has no TAF or instrument approach procedure.
My question is if the flight was conducted VFR would an alternate be required because you would be unable to get the TAF? I take it from the wording that if it was IFR just an ARFOR is sufficient.
Is it really that the minimum forecast required is an ARFOR and a TAF if the TAF is available, if it is not available then you only need an ARFOR or would you have to plan for an alternate that has a TAF available for every flight to an ALA
Thanks for your post Paul. The area forecast is enough for any flight into an aerodrome with no instrument approach procedure [and therefore no TAF]. It doesn't matter whether you are IFR or VFR the area forecast is enough for such a flight. A VFR pilot must always be capable of conducting a visual approach if he/she remains in VMC. It's also interesting to note that, for a VFR flight of less than 50 nm, you must study the TAF if it is available, but holding or alternate requirements do not apply. In other words, you must read the TAF but, if you are flying less than 50 nm, you don't have to take any notice of it!!! Weird eh.