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BobTaitStudent created the topic: EXAM QUESTION HELP!
Ive just failed the exam! If I am given a question in the exam that looks something like this:
In the Echo:
Take off Weight = 2800
Flight fuel = 100
ALl fuel at take-off = 200
Find maximum cargo that may be carried.
How would I work this out? Also, if i am given a problem where C of G is within limits but we want to load forward so that it hits the forward limit, do I draw this graphically or use the flow chart?
bobtait replied the topic: Re: EXAM QUESTION HELP!
There is no way you could answer that question on cargo without knowing the aircraft empty weight, the pilot's weight and whether or not passengers are to be carried along with their weight. There would have to be that extra information given in the question.
Also, if you are adding weight to take the aircraft to the forward limit, you have to use the envelope to solve the problem [the 'two point' method]. You cannot use the flow chart or formula because when you add or subtract weight, the forward limit changes. So you don't know what forward limit applies until you know how much weight you are going to add. The famous 'catch 22' situation.
BobTaitStudent replied the topic: Re: EXAM QUESTION HELP!
First I want to say thank you for all your wonderful textbooks! You make it so easy to understand all the concepts! I've now passed all 7 commercial pilot exams with great results thanks to your help.
I worked out that the question about finding cargo should be take off weight minus fuel. Then I used your flow chart with cargo at the end to work out the problem.
Thanks for letting me know how to add weight to load to the forward limit. That really helped me in the re-run of my performance exam. I must have missed these things in the textbook.
My advice to anyone about to do the performance exam: Do as many Echo loading practice questions as you possibly can!!