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Welcome to the CPL Navigation question and answer forum. Please feel free to post your questions but more importantly also suggest answers for your forum colleagues. Bob himself or one of the other tutors will get to your question as soon as we can.
t117tim created the topic: Navigation Workbook: Page 65 Question 8 Avoiding Controlled Airspace
Using the "Navigation Workbook" [edition last revised 2021 but says 2020 in the margins] (and having looked at the published Errata)… can anyone please help me and explain:
Page 65 question 8 on the Exercise: "Avoiding Controlled Airspace".
In short, the question asks … "When is the earliest you can climb … and REMAIN OUTSIDE controlled airspace" … BUT the answer is ... "If you need to climb and remain INSIDE the CTA" ... (thereby effectively answering a different question???).
Please see screenshots of question / answer and what I think is the right answer to the ORIGINAL question.