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NAV Exam rundown

  • davelindojrff
  • Topic Author

davelindojrff created the topic: NAV Exam rundown

G'day guys.

I first sat NAV as the first of the 7 subjects a couple months back. the first go I was unsuccessful with a disheartening 59%. As I was in an integrated course I decided to crack on with the rest of the CPL subjects and come back to NAV after. I gave myself 2 weeks of study to get my head around the exam and came out with 98%.

I went through the Bob Tait text book twice and redid all the questions until I was hitting 95-100% each time. The Bob Tait book covers absolutely everything you need to know so if you get a good handle on the text book you will pass the exam. Bob Tait online exams are a must if you want to get a high mark. The 4th online exam was VERY similar to the actual exam. I got the same mark on the practice as I did on the CASA exam.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - exam rundown - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

the exam consists of 32 questions with 5-6 two marker questions. The 2 marker questions will be B.O.D/E.O.D, ROC/ROD, Advanced one in sixty and fuel calculations.

The end of daylight questions was along the lines of this:
1) You plan a flight from Moorabbin to Shepparton on the 10th July with a total flight time on 2 hours 10 minutes. What is the latest ETD from Moorabbin?

2) A= 27s 150E LMT= 1200
B= 27s 135E.
What is the LMT for B?

The one in sixty advanced questions are the same as you find in the text book so hammer them and you won't have any issues.

The fuel calculations will give you flow, how much in the tanks prior to take off, allowance for taxi and a time for the first part of the flight. for example:
1) Fuel at start 250L, fuel flow 48L/h, taxi allowance 7L. How much endurance will the aircraft have left after 14 minutes of flight (including reserves). Answer will ask in minutes.
2) You have used 46L of fuel after 50 minutes of flight, what is your average fuel consumption?

ROC and DOC questions again are the same as the textbook and I found drawing every question out super helpful. An example:

1) You are 50 DME from your destination, due to high traffic you are required to reach 1000ft above the aerodrome. You aircraft is at 9,000 feet. The elevation of the airport is 1500ft and your ground speed is 120 knots. What is the MINIMUM rate of descent required for a continuous descent?

The rest of the exam consists of fairly easy 1 marker questions such as "find the crosswind component for runway 27 wind 250/25" or "what is the rated coverage for YMMB NDB over water during the day?".

I had 2 questions on NDBs to do with TO and FROM indications and the other was associated errors. I had NO questions on GNSS (thank god). Know your basic LONG and LAT as I got a question comparing 4 locations asking which one had the greatest distance. For example:

A = 22S 150E
B= 22S 144E
C= 25S 150E
D= 25s 144E

Comparing the distance from A to B, C to D is:

A) Closer
B) the same
C) Greater

Take it from me messing up the first time and getting 59% that if you can read through the text book and do the questions a couple times over, paired with the online Bob Tait exams then you will come out with a really good score. There is no point in just remembering these examples as they aren't exactly what was on the exam but if you know how to work out each one then you'll be fine. This is definitely NOT a hard exam compared to the rest of the CPL exams but don't underestimate it.

Good luck and go smash it!

Now onto performance for my final CPL exam


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  • Stuart Tait

Stuart Tait replied the topic: NAV Exam rundown

Congratulations Dave

98% is a great result and thanks for all the feedback


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  • davelindojrff
  • Topic Author

davelindojrff replied the topic: NAV Exam rundown

No worries, thanks Stuart

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  • Sofeopka

Sofeopka replied the topic: NAV Exam rundown

Thanks for taking the time to provide a great run down Dave. I'm about to get cracking on preparing for my CPL Nav Exam.

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  • davelindojrff
  • Topic Author

davelindojrff replied the topic: NAV Exam rundown

no worries at all, let me know if you have any questions

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