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Passed IREX

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baddles created the topic: Passed IREX

Hello all

I just passed IREX with 93% using Bob's study guide. Whew..
In my opinion, Bob's book was the best resource available, thank you Bob and team!

I'd like to offer a few comments for other students.

Right now (March 2024) is quite a difficult time to study for this exam because everything is changing so rapidly.
  • The rules have been completely rewritten, and the dust has not yet settled. For example, several sets of rules now
    appear in both the AIP and the Part 91 MOS, but the statements may be different and even contradictory. CASA is not completely on top of these changes yet.
  • Many of the individual procedures for instrument approach to aerodromes have changed recently. To conform to ICAO standards, RNAV (GNSS) approaches are now called RNP LNAV APCH. Many procedures have been updated recently, and been given slightly different names, e.g. VOR-X became VOR-Y .
  • Many waypoint names and route names on ERC L charts have changed
  • A lot of NDB's have been decommissioned recently.
  • Lots of minor details like the VOLMET service have changed recently.
  • Other sources like Airservices and BoM are not up-to-date with these changes (for example BoM website information about VOLMET is out of date)

If you use "other resources" besides Bob's book, such as online practice exams, you will find sadly a very large number of practice questions which have not kept up with these changes: the instrument procedure named in the question no longer exists in the DAP book, or the 'correct' answer no longer makes sense (for example because there is no longer an NDB at the stated location). I found this really unsettling and disheartening, especially when the IREX syllabus focuses so much on getting the fine details right.

I found that Bob's book was the best in this regard -- that is, Bob's book had by far the lowest proportion of questions suffering from these problems. Also Bob and his team are very responsive to feedback if you identify a glitch.

I can't talk about the exam except to reassure people that the exam material is based on up-to-date information so this problem does not arise.

I hope this is helpful.

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  • Posts: 197
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Stuart Tait replied the topic: Passed IREX

Congratulations Adrian that's a great result for home study.

and thanks for the feedback, it's always welcome

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