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BushPilot8 created the topic: Navaid Alternate Requirements
Prior to the changes, the AIP stated that PVT/AWK needed one navaid at the destination aerodrome and CHTR/RPT needed two to prevent needing to plan for an alternate (if one failed you still have one available).
After looking in that area of the AIP, it has been replaced with the following:
A destination alternate aerodrome must be planned for an IFR flight by night to a planned destination aerodrome that is:
a. not served by an instrument approach procedure; or
b. is served by 1 or more instrument approach procedures, none of which the pilot is able to conduct.
Firstly, why is it worded as destination alternate aerodrome? Isn't it either your destination or alternate?
Secondly, I can't seem to find any mention of the particular type of operation. I'm aware they have changed, however I'm struggling to find where it mentions how many are needed depending on whether you are operating as PVT, AWK or air transport.
Lastly, that paragraph only mentions night alternate requirements, can't seem to find day anywhere either.
If anyone could shed some light I'd really appreciate it.
bobtait replied the topic: Navaid Alternate Requirements
"Destination alternate." It's hard not to believe that the CASA document writers haven't set out to deliberately insert terminology designed to make your head spin. I suppose there may be such a thing as an alternate for the departure aerodrome, or an alternate for an emergency at any point enroute (nearest suitable alternate). Surely if you nominate an alternate on your flight plan, it's safe to assume that it based on the destination.
Air Transport operations are operations involving the carriage of passengers or cargo for hire or reward. It's helpful to consider that Part 135 MOS refers to Air Transport, and Part 91 MOS refers to other than Air Transport (Private operations).
Part 135 is the one that requires that the flight can continue in the even of the failure of a navigation aid. (Part 135 MOS Chapter 11 para 11.09.(5).
BushPilot8 replied the topic: Navaid Alternate Requirements
Thanks Bob,
I had a look through Part 91 also but couldn’t seem to find a mention on the requirements for navaids and alternates apart from the paragraph I mentioned in my original post that only mentions night ops.
Does it state anywhere that one navaid is required for PVT/AWK to avoid planning for an alternate?
BushPilot8 replied the topic: Navaid Alternate Requirements
Sorry what I meant was where it specifies the navaid requirements for a PVT/AWK flight under the IFR. In your old book it stated that for PVT/AWK an alternate must be provided unless the destination aerodrome has at least one approach available, with this info being in AIP 1.1. However I can't seem to locate in there or in part 91.
All I've found so far is the part 135 requirement of two navaids.
Any info on where I can find the requirements for a PVT/AWK IFR flight is appreciated.
bobtait replied the topic: Navaid Alternate Requirements
Since the requirement for two approaches being available is specific to Air Transport operations, it is safe to assume that it doesn't apply to private. For private operations obviously there must be one instrument approach or a visual available. See also Part 91 MOS Chapter 8 para 8.08 Item 2.