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  • sonwill
  • Topic Author

sonwill created the topic: Transponder

Hello All,
Just seeking some clarification on a question in the IREX book
Looking at Exercise 2.3 Question 16 from the Book page 139 (and video series)
The phrase ‘mode C’ indicates that a transponder has the capability to transmit information on-

(a) an aircraft’s height only
(b) an aircraft’s type
(c) an aircraft’s position only
(d) an aircraft's height and position

The answer given is 'D', however Looking at CAO 20.18 9B.2 the below is given:
Mode C is a transponder function that transmits a 4-digit octal code for an aircraft’s pressure altitude when interrogated by an SSR

I was under the impression that mode 'C' only gives pressure altitude from an encoded altimeter to the radar. It doesn't transmit position information.
Does anyone have some guidance on this one?


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  • Stuart Tait

Stuart Tait replied the topic: Transponder

G'day Dale

Technically your correct about mode C but by default a transponder also gives position information so you really can't separate the two.


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  • sonwill
  • Topic Author

sonwill replied the topic: Transponder

Thanks Stuart,
I guess I am getting confused with other transponder modes that are coupled to GPS etc.
I will trust in the answer!


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