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Thanks to the team and tips i found useful in IREX

  • AussieAircraft98
  • Topic Author

AussieAircraft98 created the topic: Thanks to the team and tips i found useful in IREX

G'day bob and the team,

Just wanted to say thanks for the help in allowing me to pass IREX with a very nice score, your book proved to be worth its weight in gold! I thought i would just dot down some points for others.

First off might be worth saying i wouldn't copy how i sat my exam, which was highly risky, in which i literally pulled an all-nighter before the exam just because of the sheer pressure, I think i ate around 5 weet-bix that morning,and i reckon i had enough energy to jump start a car with my bare hands! I proceeded to collapse into a coma as soon as i got home, and sleep for around 8 hours, which again i wouldn't recommend as it could've gone a lot worse, so first tip have a good nights rest and breakfast.

The first segment of my exam related to alternate requirements and recency, which where fairly straight forward but where worded questionably, it is worth having a look at what procedures fall under azimuth and CDI and there related recency requirements. it is also worth stipulating that DME approaches which allow GNSS usage in place of the regular DME did pop up, aswell as a simple question on VOLMET timings (on the hour and half hour). Fuelling requirements are also seen, through use of an alternate vs hold.

RTFQ.... i had a question where minima for an alternate listed on the IAL was 1400ft roughly (TAF Indicated FEW 080 SCT1200) my unkeen eye glossed over this until i saw casa being sneaky with a FEW+SCT=BKN question, which placed BKN cloud at 100, far below the minima and thus needing an alternate instead of holding fuel.

There were NDB Questions, particularly TMG and drift aswell as expected indications. LSALT when you are on an accidental 20 degree track away from an ndb. Also a question on declaring an emergency when fuel is fairly low and traffic

All in all the exam is not as scary as it seems, put in the work and you see the results.

Bobs book and online exams is bang on the money!

Thanks again for the help!

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  • Stuart Tait

Stuart Tait replied the topic: Thanks to the team and tips i found useful in IREX

Congratulations and thanks for the feedback


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  • CJrella

CJrella replied the topic: Thanks to the team and tips i found useful in IREX


thank you so much for the tips above....
since you mentioned wording could you give some examples that you can think of.

I am sitting the exam next Wednesday and the wording is my biggest weakness.

you response would be greatly appreciated


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  • AussieAircraft98
  • Topic Author

AussieAircraft98 replied the topic: Thanks to the team and tips i found useful in IREX

Gday CJ,

Most certainly, some main ones that spring to mind immediately are;

PEC of -20 was given in a question that is flown as a VOR approach, (of course PEC does not directly affect this kind of approach), so it will mislead you.

Tracking into a gps approach (a reminder there are sector entries for GPS approaches, so take a look at which one best suits

LSALT when tracking outside 50nm and being 20 degrees off course from an ndb (most poorly worded one)

asking LSALT Boundaries with/Without 5nm buffer

Underlined altitudes after a reversal turn to turn onto final track (have a good look at what this means)

clouds over mountains and there related shape and turbulence

fuel requiring emergency was very poorly prescribed, just remember, priority approach generally is the incorrect response, they are more or less looking for MAYDAY

sometimes the question will specify an ERC low, but, wou are much better off looking at TAC (how far from dme will you hit this airspace)

YSSY and YBBN have traffic holding time prescribed in ERSA, have a good hard long look in notes

Departing IMC with engine failure after takeoff and continuing to destination (i believe MSA but dont quote me on it)

Edit: In an ils procedure, remember, it is a degree rather than percentage, thus check the front of daps for degree rather than %)

That is most of what i can think of, just remember, i didnt sleep before the exam, and am naturally fairly braindead, BUT,

I can happily say i PUT THE WORK IN, and familiarised myself with as many questions as i could to under stand the tricks casa does, and my result always makes me happy of that fact, dont stress, if i can do it, anyone can!

The burden of the exam no longer bothering you will be worth it all when you are punching through cloud!

Best of luck and let me know how you go!



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  • CJrella

CJrella replied the topic: Thanks to the team and tips i found useful in IREX

OMG thank you so much Stephen

Im honestly freaking out but doing all the exercises and the practice exams as much as i can.

But will let you know how the exam goes after Wednesday next week.



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