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Jeppesen charts IREX

  • zsmith
  • Topic Author

zsmith created the topic: Jeppesen charts IREX

Hey All,

Currently studying the IREX, and until recently have used air services publications. I am new to using enroute charts and so maybe I am doing something wrong but I can not work out how I am supposed to work these questions out...
Page 87
You departed Moree [S29 29.9 E 149 50.7] for Narrabri [S30 19.2 149 49.6] - this is on Jeppesen AULO4
I have found Moree, but not Narrabri... and the question wants to know track error and drift since departure, using hdg and adf indications.
obviously finding the TMG is okay, but FPT? Do I just plot the co-ordinates?

Tracking from Tamworth [S31 04.0 E150 49.8] via designated route W330 to Coffs Harbour [S30 19.2 E153 07.3] - Jeppesen AULO4
There doesn't seem to be W330 anywhere... okay I'll try the next question

3. Tamworth to Armidale... cool found them... ADF is tuned to Inverell... errr, now I cant find Inverell..

I just spent nearly $900 buying the Jepps in preparation of this exam and mummy/daddy isn't paying the bills so just buying new air services stuff isn't feasible for me at the moment. Did anyone else using Jepps have these problems or am I doing something wrong?
Any advice greatly appreciated,

Zachary Smith

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  • Stuart Tait

Stuart Tait replied the topic: Jeppesen charts IREX

Gidday Zachary
I've had a look at the Jepps AU(lo)6 and I can see all the points in your questions.




This was all on the AULO6 chart, though the one I have is old as I don't use Jepps
hope this helps

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  • zsmith
  • Topic Author

zsmith replied the topic: Jeppesen charts IREX

Thanks Stuart, helps a lot.
AULO4 cover the area, but a more detailed chart is LO6... learning is fun.. haha!
thanks again, safe skies!

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