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  • Scruffy
  • Topic Author

Scruffy created the topic: pass

Hi guys,

I passed the irex exam last week first try with 80%. Thought I would add to the other posts re expected questions. Of course the questions I got came from a bank, so I can only comment on the questions I actually received. I only used Bob Tait's irex to study from and I paid an irex instructor for a brief before I knew anything at all about irex to get a general overview. i studied for this test in 10 days (full study days).

As far as the exam as a whole went, I did find it fairly straight forward but I was very careful to read and re-read and re-read the question and decide exactly what information the question was asking before I went looking for answers etc. I also looked up the AIP / ERSA / CAO etc EVEN IF I KNEW THE ANSWER. not sure if this was a waste of time but i did it anyway. the exam is 3.5hrs, so you have time if you know roughly where to look. You can tab the AIP with 15tabs now, so make use of them. you aren't allowed to tab the DAPS although there is really no need.


ICING - know what levels different types of icing is most probable and where the most severe icing is most likely. someone else mentioned this and i did look it up but still got a kdr re icing

CALCULATIONS - know how to orientate yourself using both the adf & vor. understand which way you are pointing and what it all means. draw pictures or use the formula, whatever works for you. you will be asked to work out TE & Drift. I also got asked to work out how many nm i was off track knowing the distance and angle off track.
- calculate the rated coverage of aids. the formula is in bob's irex book. remember it and use it.
- know the splays if you are navigating with different aids (10.3deg, 15deg etc) I didn't get asked any questions about tolerances for RNP but
that doesn't mean there aren't any.

LSALT - know how to calculate it, especially if there is a man made object below 360' that is mentioned. round UP, don't just pick the closest number.

FUEL - work out holding fuel required from a TAF. some questions will ask what is the minimum fuel - it might be less fuel to take the alternate OR hold. Remember to not add the 30min buffers during TTF. Also know which way to add the buffer if the wx is getting worse or better.

MINIMA - don't be fooled by long winded questions with lots of information about PEC and HIAL and then they ask for the alternate minima. PEC and HIAL has NOTHING to do with alternate minima. know when you can take the 100' off. what if the AWIS is by telephone only - can you still subtract it?

ERC / TAC - lots of looking at the charts and disseminating information. Know what the waypoints mean in terms of reporting etc. Always check the track in terms of degrees as sometimes the way it's pointing on the map is not necessarily east / west along the ground. you need this for cruising levels.

I also had a few questions about wind shear and where to fly around a thunderstorm. what level to cruise at given terrain and freezing level (between it).

If anyone has any questions feel free to hit me up. I'll probably have a look here again over the next week or so and then i've got the next thing to focus on.


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  • stuart

stuart replied the topic: pass

Congratulations Scruffy

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