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  • mspcooper
  • Topic Author

mspcooper created the topic: PIFR QUESTIONS - FEEDBACK REQUIRED

Hi Bob and Richard, I studied Bob Tait's Instrument rating book and left out topics on ILS/3D and took my PIFR CASA exam last week. I was'nt sure if i would get anything close to pass, i got 63%, I was pleasantly surprised. The questions i got wrong are as follows:

1. Private IFR rated pilot on a single engine rating can fly a. Single engine aircraft only b. Can fly multiple engine aircraft if they are endorsed in it c. Any aircraft d. Helicopters (I answered A, but was'nt good enough)

2. PIFR rated pilot may fly IFR on aircraft approved for a. IFR, NVFR with ADF+VOR b. VFR, NVFR, IFR c. IFR d. NV, IFR (i answered b, not good)

3. Flight notification for rules below and above LSALT should be given for flight under IFR as a. VFR for below LSALT b. VFR for climb c. IFR for whole flight d. PIFR for whole flight (i answered d, now i know it should be C)

4. You are flying 270m inbound to Broome, distrance from Broome where bearing indications be received , answer was a number in a box (for whatever reason i used 6.39x formula instead of using the NDB range over land.

5. If you have only one altimeter, how to check for accuracy a. QNH set on sub scale and it should be within 5Hpa b. Tolerance should be within 60 ft c. Tolerance should be within 75 ft d. QNH set on sub scale and it should read within 10Hpa (I answered b, answer should be c?)

6. You inadvertently enter a TS cell, actions to take are a. Reduce speed, stay HDG b. Reduce speed, turn around c. Increased speed, stay HDG d. Increase speed, turn around (i answered b, not sure what the right answer is)

7. You are flying 8kms from mature TS, what may you encounter a. Lightning b. Hail c. Icing d. Turbulence (i answered D, is it B?)

8. You are in TCU, OAT is -5, a. Rime b. Clear C. Hoar Frost D. Nothing (what type of ice would you encounter ( I answered A)

9. Range and rated coverage of NDB at night vs day a. Both reduced b. Both increased c. Range increased rated coverage decreases d. Range decreased rated coverage does not change (I answered d, as i read in AIP, rated coverage only changes due to terrain and can be reduced)

10. Climbing in IMC and you are between two layers of cloud. What will you be experiencing a. Flicker vertigo b. False horizon c. Somatographic Illusion d. Coriolis effect (i answered c, but i think it is b)

11. IFR route to take from YSBK-Williamtown (in ERSA flight arrivals section, Bankstown is poorly positioned at the end of the page, so i completely couldn't find it in the stress). Could have answered this correctly if i had looked carefully. So overall i failed the exam by two questions and have to study more on weather, illusions and some more licensing information.

Any help would be appreciated. I plan to retake it in one week.


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