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  • Migraine
  • Topic Author

Migraine created the topic: IREX REVISION QUESTION SET FOUR Q7 page 315

Hi Bob,

Can you please clarify the answer to this question?

It states the pilot intends to carry out the 3° approach gradient 'as published on the chart'.

It then asks at what point which you may commence descent from 4000ft?

I see the answer as [d] because if I were to fly the 3° profile as per the chart (from 4000ft), the chart puts that point in space at 2.9nm before BLZSF.

The answer mentions the arrival is from BLZSA towards BLZSI however, couldn't any of the 3x IAF's be used, as all 3 are to the South of the airport?

Finally, if a descent was made in accordance with answer [c], after passing BLZSA, from 4000ft in VH-OZY (and for easy numbers let's say we're at 140 G/S), and using the table on the chart, 'a 3° descent angle will give a rate of descent of around 743ft/min'. After 2 minutes we would be 4.6nm along BLZSA to BLZSI (still outside the 10nm MSA of 3700ft), but at an altitude of 2514ft.

Would appreciate some help in where I'm getting this wrong.

Cheers Bob,

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