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IREX KDR from failed exam

  • flygirl
  • Topic Author

flygirl created the topic: IREX KDR from failed exam

Hi all,

I attempted irex earlier this year and failed..
My books and maps were from 2013 so that probably didnt help.

Anyway i thought i would post my KDR's and maybe someone could give me some pointers in those areas.
I plan to sit it again at the end of the year.
Thanks for the help i have written a sentence on each one if I can shed any more light.

1. Privileges/Limitations of endorsements
2.3.1 Operation and limitations of flight instruments required to conduct a flight under the IFR
I cant remember this question must have read wrong reference

2. Alt planning lighting requirements
4.2.1 Describe the alternate aerodrome requirements for the following:
(a) weather;
(b) navigation aids or approach procedures;
(c) aerodrome lighting (including personnel in attendance requirements);
(d) availability of weather reports;
(e) divert time.
I think this was a lighting question

3. Select cruise level lsalt freezing
4.1.1 Plan an IFR flight between aerodromes in Australia in accordance with the requirements specified in AIP and considering the following:
(a) route limitations;
(b) aircraft performance and forecast freezing level;
(c) table of cruising altitudes/levels.

This was a freezing level question, what the go can you plan to fly above freezing level?

4. know total fuel req
4.2.2 Determine holding fuel requirements for:
(a) weather; and
(b) traffic;
Not sure

5. Weather forecast requirements
3.2.1 Requirements for obtaining meteorological information to conduct a flight under the IFR.
Not sure

6. Operation of PAL
2.3.16 Procedure/s for operating PAL systems.
Read the wrong page on the ERSA 

7. SID radar procedure
2.3.18 Pilot responsibilities for compliance with the following procedures:
(a) SID;
(b) STAR;
(c) Noise abatement;
(d) Missed approach;
(e) Holding pattern and entry.
Not sure

8. assess ADF indication
5.1.2 For lateral azimuth guidance provided by NDB, describe the following:
(a) the errors caused by coastal refraction;
(b) the effect thunderstorms may cause;
(c) the indications of loss of signal integrity;
(d) the potential for errors when turning;
(e) the indications of station passage.
Not sure

9. Thunderstorm and hail
3.2.4 Given pilot observations, either in clear air or in cloud, of any 1 or more of the following phenomena — turbulence, precipitation, temperature, cloud type predict the probability and likely duration of the following:
(a) airframe icing;
(b) hail;

I always though you were to fly to the upwind side to avoid hail if going close to a thunderstorm however the casa question didn’t have this as an option :S

(c) micro bursts and wind shear;
(d) turbulence (including CAT).

10. know require track intercepted from ADF BRG
More practice of ADF’s
5.1.3 Given heading and relative NDB azimuth bearings, for the following:
(a) calculate track to and from the NDB;
(b) fix position given relative bearings of 2 stations;
(c) calculate drift relative to planned track;
(d) calculate the relative bearing which will indicate the aircraft is abeam a station;
(e) calculate the relative bearing which will indicate that a desired track to or from an NDB has been intercepted, given the intercept heading;
(f) calculate the heading to steer to intercept desired inbound track before reaching the NDB.
More practice of ADF’s

11. dest fuel state wx tfc
4.2.1 Describe the alternate aerodrome requirements for the following:
(a) weather;
(b) navigation aids or approach procedures;
(c) aerodrome lighting (including personnel in attendance requirements);
(d) availability of weather reports;
(e) divert time.

Not sure

12. NDB approach altitude limitations
5.1.1 For ground-based radio navigation aids:
(a) understand the principles of operation, indications and limitations of the ground-based navigation aids; and
(b) extract from AIP:
(i) the rated coverage of the radio navigation aids considering aircraft location, altitude and time of day; and
(ii) pilot navigation tolerances.
Not sure

13. CTA visual approach procedures
4.3.6 The requirements that must be satisfied for descent below LSALT or minimum safety altitude by day and night under the IFR and night VFR.
Not sure

14. Circling obstacle clearance
4.3.3 The minimum obstacle clearance provided by the minimum circling altitude for different performance category IFR aircraft as defined in IAL, both day and night.
I think the question confused me and it was a simple cat A or B height question 400’

Once again thanks for any help!

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