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Random question for explanation please

  • kevin.G
  • Topic Author

kevin.G created the topic: Random question for explanation please

2D approach below which descent may not be made without visual reference.

But it is also a height at which we must decide to do a miss approach if we are not visual but we must track to the mapt (loc) before initiating the map.
Revsion ex 5 question 6. D seems also appropriate.
Can someone explain?

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  • Richard

Richard replied the topic: Random question for explanation please

Hi Kevin,

The AIP definition reads as follows:

The important thing is you may not descend below MDA on your 2D approach unless visual, but you can of course remain at MDA until you reach the MAPt, and that is when you must execute the missed approach. The subtlety here is that reaching MDA is not when you make your descision to go missed. That decision is made at the MAPt. Compare that to a Decision Altitude on a 3D approach which is a the altitude at which a missed approach must be initiated.

So, on a 2D approach, you could be at MDA tracking level towards the MAPt, hoping to catch a break in the cloud and get visual so you can continue your descent. (c) is still the correct answer.



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  • kevin.G
  • Topic Author

kevin.G replied the topic: Random question for explanation please

Thanks richard. got it

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