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re: RNAV Chart title suffix Z or Y???

  • fruitfly67
  • Topic Author

fruitfly67 created the topic: re: RNAV Chart title suffix Z or Y???

G'day Bob

I read some where that the reason why the letter Z or Y is suffixed to an RNAV chart title is because the FMS database can't handle having two approaches to the same runway using the same navaid system to prevent confusion also a suffix Z means a lower MDA compared to suffix Y. ?

Bob could you please make it clear wether or not this is true, also can you explain why the difference between an RNAV-Z (gnss) RWY 14 and an RNAV (gnss) RWY14 when both examples are runway approaches?


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  • Richard

Richard replied the topic: re: RNAV Chart title suffix Z or Y???

G'day FF,
DAP 1-3 might cast a little light on the subject:

As for the different minima, I have not heard of that before, and if you check ILS Z and Y for YBAS (Alice Springs), you will see the minima are identical in both.



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